Calathea roseopicta ‘Dottie’ 10135 红美丽
Calathea roseopicta Green 10136 绿美丽
Calathea Purple Rose 10137 彩美丽
Calathea roseopicta Shinestar 10138 黑玫瑰
Calathea Red Rosey 10140 玫瑰红
Calathea roseopicta‘Crimson Green’ 10142 幸运女神(绿边)
Calathea ‘Red Rose’ 10143 红玫瑰
Calathea‘Fusion White’ 10145 白油画
Calathea ‘Network’ 10147 马赛克
Calathea Fasciata Borrusica 10148 红苹果
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