Calathea Rufibarba 10121 紫背浪心
Calathea orbifolia 10123 青苹果
Calathea bicajoux Gecko 10124 碧卡秋
Calathea Warszewiczii 10126 紫背天鹅绒
Calathea Illustris 10128 美丽
Calathea roseopicta ‘cora’ 10130 珊瑚
Calathea‘Royal Standard’ 10131 国王
Calathea Flamestar 10132 新美丽
Calathea 'Maria' 10133 白云
Calathea roseopicta ‘Dottie’ 10135 红美丽
Calathea roseopicta Green 10136 绿美丽
Calathea Purple Rose 10137 彩美丽
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