Calathea majestica‘White Star’ 10106 白双线
Ctenanthe setosa 10307 老飞羽
Calathea Freddy 10108 翠叶
Calathea Ornata ‘Sanderiana’ 10109 双线
Calathea Makoyana 10110 孔雀
Calathea roseopicta‘Jungle Rose’ 10114 玉丽
Calathea Insignis 10116 豹纹
Calathea Vittata 10117 青纹
Calathea Medallion 10118 勋章
Calathea Rufibarba 10121 紫背浪心
Calathea orbifolia 10123 青苹果
Calathea bicajoux Gecko 10124 碧卡秋
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