Philodendron Rojo Congo 13402 红钻蔓绿绒
Xanthosoma‘Lime Zinger’ 13202 清迈千年芋
Colocasia esculenta‘Black Beauty’ 13102 黑美人
Alocasia‘Black Velvet’ 13002 黑天鹅绒
Ctenanthe Burle-Marxii‘Amabilis’ 10302 马克思
Maranta Kerchoveana 10202 豹斑
Calathea Beauty Star 10102 美心/魅力之心
Clusia Rosea 签名树
Cordyline fruticosa ‘Baby Doll’ 33105 娃娃朱蕉
Ficus Ruby 28003 红关公
Aglaonem Thai Snowflakes 13803 翡翠粗肋草
Colocasia esculenta‘Black Runner’ 13103 黑色奔跑者
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