Alocasia X amazonica‘Polly’ 13003 宝丽/大仙女
Ctenanthe burle-marxii ‘Amagris’ 10303 艾玛
Calathea Zebrina 10103 青背天鹅绒
Cordyline fruticosa ‘Kiwi’ 33106 七彩朱蕉
Ficus elastica 'Tineke' 28004 花金刚
Philodendron ‘King Xanadu’ 13404 黄金小天使
Colocasia esculenta‘Aloha’ 13104 阿罗哈
Alocasia‘Sarian’ 13004 萨利安
Ctenanthe setosa compactstar SUPER 10304 圆叶飞羽
Ficus triangularis variegata 28005 花叶三角榕
Aglaonema super white 13805 白如意粗肋草
Philodendron Malay Gold 13405 金锄
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