Alocasia Nobilis 13027 诺比
Alocasia Sinuata 13028 魔镜
Calathea Illustris 10128 美丽
Alocasia Red Secret 13029 铜叶
Alocasia infernalis ‘Black Magic' 13030 吸血鬼
Calathea roseopicta ‘cora’ 10130 珊瑚
Alocasia melo 13031 哈密瓜
Calathea‘Royal Standard’ 10131 国王
Alocasia nebula 13032 星云
Calathea Flamestar 10132 新美丽
Calathea 'Maria' 10133 白云
Alocasia Frydek Variegated 13034 绿天鹅锦
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